Friday, 18 March 2011

''My ugly imaginary animal'' By Sheima.

Hello, visitors!!!
This is my ugly animal.
It's very crazy and horrible.
It is a cheetah with bison's legs, the tail of a dog and a pig's head.

It eats leaves and bananas.
This  animal lives in the savannah.
It's a very funny animal.
See you on the next post!!!

Link: Switcheroozoo


  1. Hello,Sheima!Your animal it is fantastic and cute.See you!

  2. Rubén class 4E29 March 2011 at 11:23

    Hello Sheima!
    Your avatar is fat and funny.
    My name is Rubén.

  3. Hello, Rubén and Roi.
    Thanks for the comment.
    See you.
