Thursday, 26 May 2011

"The mosters of Arteixo: Mr.A, Mr.J and Mr.AB" by Paula

Hello followers, visitors and readers,
I'm going to introduce the images of the Arteixo's monsters, cerated at: The Face Mash.
The first one is Mr.A, he is the most horrible person in the world. He is ugly, rude, unfriendly.....
He has got blue eyes, a strange nose and a horrible mouth.
He has only one neuron in his brain. In your honour, Mr.A.
I think that people like you just feels right injuring the others. 
The second one is Mr.J is the poodle (perrito faldero) of Mr.A, he does everything that he says. And they are not real friends.
I think that he needs personality.
He has got brown eyes, a horrible nose and a strange mouth.
And, for the end, Mr.AB: a stupid and silly person, willing to do anything to feel good.
He has got brown hair, blue eyes and an ugly mouth.
He is, a little bit, my friend but when you mess with me, trembles Troy !!
Do you find that they are horrible ??
Well, goodbye, but before: Mr.A, Mr.AB and Mr.J............
revenge is served in cold dish
In your honour boys !!

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